- 本次展会设3M3M标改特展位,内设2.5M高壁板、写真楣板、一张洽谈桌、一张接待桌、五把椅子、两盏射灯、220V、5A电源插座一个。 - 室内空地,36平方米起租,仅提供相应空地。展示器具、用电、搭建等事项自理。 -
- 本次展会设3M×3M标改特展位,内设2.5M高壁板、写真楣板、一张洽谈桌、一张接待桌、五把椅子、两盏射灯、220V、5A电源插座一个。
- 室内空地,36平方米起租,仅提供相应空地。展示器具、用电、搭建等事项自理。
- 收费标准:
标准展位:境内企业RMB18600/个 境外企业US$ 3800/个
2 境外企业US$ 380/ m
- 宣讲活动:需申请项目宣讲或赞助活动的企业请向组委会索取议程安排表。
Booth specification:
1. International standard booths are provided (3m ×3m, a carpet, 2.5m wall boards, a name plate, two desk, five chairs, two lights, a 220V/ 5A outlet)
2. Indoor open space: for lease 36m
2 and above. Participating units will take care of facilities, power and booth construction.
- Fees:
Standard booths: Domestic enterprises RMB ¥ 18600/one;
Overseas enterprises US$3800/one
Open space indoors: Domestic enterprises RMB ¥ 1800/m
Overseas enterprises US$380/m
- Sponsorship: Any sponsor to the exhibition would be welcome. Grand opportunity to highlight your products and your company. Details will be provided for further request.
参展手续Exhibits Procedures
- 参展单位请详细填写《参展合约书》并加盖公章,于2014年10月20日前传真或至大会组织办公室,并于申请之日起3个工作日内向大会指定银行汇出参展费用(凡未在规定期限内办理付款手续的展位一律不予保留)。
- 参展单位请于报名时将企业或项目简介(300字内)以及拟参展项目图片二张提供至大会组织办公室,以便进行及时展前相关网站/展报宣传。
- 组委会于会期前一个月左右将《参展商手册》(有关日程安排、展品运输、酒店接待、展台设计搭建、物品租用与服务以及签证申请等信息)发送至各参展商。
- Please fill in the application form, fax or mail (officially sealed) to the Organizing Committee, and remit the relevant fees to the designated bank account within
3 working days. The committee will arrange the booths according to the arrival dates of the fees. First Come, First Served!
- Please notify the organizing office one month before the exhibition opens if extra power will be needed, or special platform will be set up.
-Goldenexpo会展集团,有关参展事宜:周卫东 先生13608314953
Tel:+86-23-88360605 Fax:+86-23-88360608
www.goldenexpo.org E-mail:544626238@qq.com
-BOIC邦侨海外,有关项目代理合作:400 066 2686
www.cn-boic.com E-mail:bangqiaocq@163.com