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2018第19届立嘉国际铸造压铸工业展 The 19th Lijia International Foundry and(3)

时间:2017-07-07 15:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
Based on our resources in Middle and West China, we will expand the reputation of the event by systematic advertising campaign. By content marketing, we will attract the visitors to CWMTE. 直面目标用

Based on our resources in Middle and West China, we will expand the reputation of the event by systematic advertising campaign. By content marketing, we will attract the visitors to CWMTE.
直面目标用户  推介行业新品
Present New Products to Target Users
It is planned to launch the following activities among the users, covering the regions and categories below:
    Industrial experts, local representative companies, exhibitors and associations will be invited and technical forum will be organized. The exhibitor may provide video 3-5 minutes long to demonstrate the machining process. Interactive exchange on site will be organized.
Value-added Service Plan for VIP Exhibitors to Enhance Exhibition Effect
User organization plan may be tailored for the exhibitors. Based on our big database of users, VIP exhibitors may provide the category or name list of the users they need to invite, so that the Organizing Committee may arrange our people to send specific invitation. Meanwhile, industrial associations will be invited accordingly. Joining Value-added Service Plan for VIP Exhibitors may directly and quickly communicate your information to the users and helps you enhance the exhibition effect.
The Most Favored Brand Name by Manufacture Users
The Organizing Committee plans to launch the activities to elect the Brand Name Most Favored by Manufacture Users. The medium and high-level management of the users will be invited to vote.
1000 Rooms of Start Hotel Provided for Free
Based on the free providing of star hotel accommodations for the important associations and users coming to Chongqing in previous events, Lijia will provide free rooms further for the professional visitors preregistered to attend the exhibition in Chongqing. The professional visitors may get free rooms once passing the preregistration successfully.
Advanced Technical Forum Solicited along the Event
Except the exchange activities launched by the Organizing Committee, the exhibitors, industrial associations and media are invited to organize the associated forums to push the development of machinery industry in West China.
For details on the above activities, please call 023-86376300.
Scan 2D Barcode to Watch on the Industrial Latest Development
CWMTE is the official weixin platform of the event, intended to provide the industrial information, policies, market trend and opportunities for the users. The users may also release the demand or supply information in CWMTE Community. Welcome to watch our common industries by canning the 2D barcode.
Visitors by industrial category
汽车、摩托车整车和零配件制造行业  41%
Automobile / motorcycle OEM and parts: 41%
机械加工和模具制造业             28%
Machinery and mould: 28%
军工和航空航天制造业             15%
Military and aircraft: 15%
仪器仪表制造业                   5%
Instrument: 5%
教育和研究院所                   3%
Education and research institute: 3% (责任编辑:admin)