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时间:2014-05-26 17:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
To/致: From/发件人:周卫东13608314953 Tel电话:+86-23-88360605 Chongqing International Overseas Property Investment Immigration Show,2014 2014中国重庆海外置业投资移民秋季展 8-9/11,2014 重庆国际时尚发布中心,江北嘴 Chongqing Intennational
From/发件人:周卫东13608314953  Tel电话:+86-23-88360605
Chongqing International Overseas Property
& Investment Immigration Show,2014
8-9/11,2014   重庆国际时尚发布中心,江北嘴
Chongqing Intennational Fashion Exhibition Center
主办单位 Organizers   
重庆市海外交流协会   GOLDEN会展集团    邦侨海外投资顾问
基本信息一览General Information
展会日期:2014年11月8-9日      Date: November 8-9, 2014
展会周期:一年2届(春/秋季)     Exhibition cycle: twice a year (spring/autumn)
场    馆:重庆国际时尚发布中心    Venue: Chongqing Int’l Fashion Exhibition Center
入场参观:仅对专业观众开放        Visitor crowd: only open to professional visitors
展厅面积:3000平方米             Exhibition area: 3000㎡
参 展 商:预计300家              Exhibitors: 300 overseas properties and projects
专业观众:预计超过10000名        Professional visitors: 10000 persons
OPI Chongqing挺进中国西部庞大投资市场直通车
Direct link from Chongqing to large market of western China;
One-stop promotion system platform of overseas property, investment and immigration;
OPI Chongqing海外置业投资移民展,以每年春秋2季大型展览+24场推介+365天不间断推广创新模式,为参展商提供了全方位的项目推广平台,亦是开拓中国投资市场和实现项目销售最有效的渠道之一。
OPI includes two exhibitions, 24 promotion seminars and 365 days continuous promotion, creates a complete innovation service system ranging from exhibition promotion to regional project agent distribution, provides the regular regional project promotion platform for exhibitors, and is one of the most effective channels to easily explore the investment market of western China and achieve project sales target.
上届回顾Previous Review
OPI Chongqing春季展在重庆北CBD金融核心区-江北嘴国际时尚发布中心正式落幕,为期2天的展览共迎观展客户约5346(人)次,现场成交近20单,登记意向客户达560余组,参会观众均为定向邀请高端置业人群和海外投资意向客户。
The first spring exhibition of OPI was finished successfully in Chongqing North CBD-Jiangbeizui International Fashion Exhibition Center on 11 May, 2014. The two-day exhibition received 5346 visitors totally, with nearly 20 deals made and over 560 potential customers registered, and it has gained good exhibition and social effects.
展商评价Exhibitors Evaluation
We have gained a lot for showing dozens of our overseas agency projects on the exhibition. It’s a cooperative and open platform providing high-speed marketing channel for overseas real estate developers to enter China western market.           --BOIC邦侨海外
OPI展会效果非常不错,目标客户组织非常精准,无论从效果、选址、到规格、到展商数量,可以说是西部办的最成功的一次。                                   (责任编辑:admin)