公司成立于2002 年,专业制造管子割刀、热熔器、剥线钳,园林剪等 地 址:上海市浦东新区外高桥自由贸易试验区华申路27 号B1 幢7 层
五金手工具。2010 年又开发制造各种规格的大力钳。公司集生产、研发、销 电 话:021-58528312 传 真:021-58681479
售为一体,可根据客户要求提供OEM,通过了 ISO9001:2008 PICC SGS VPA 网 址 邮 箱
认 证 。 TownSteel 是一家有着20 多年历史的集研发,设计及制造于一身的高端
NINGBO ANT TOOLS was established in 2002 , is a research and 安全防控系统生产商。公司总部坐落于美国加州。TownSteel 是美国建筑五
development , production and sales enterprises. Our factory pro- 金制造协会(Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association),美国门
fessionally produce pvc pipe cutters , plastic welding machine , 及五金协会(Door and Hardware Institute),及美国锁业协会(Associated
wire strippers, and pruning shears. We start to produce kinds of Locksmiths of America)正式会员。
locking pliers from 2010. OEM orders are welcome here. We have TOWNSTEEL has been manufacturing high quality commercial and
past ISO9001:2008 PICC SGS VPA. residential grade hardware for over 20 years, specializing in ANSI
Grade 1 product development and design, manufacturing and
临沂市珂立美胶枪厂 展位号:9-017 integrating. We take pride in our ability to maintain a product
地 址:山东省临沂市河东区五金市场东南区32 号 offering that is second to none.
电 话:13953919157 传 真:0539-7115113
邮 箱 佛山市南海区罗村金祥华磨具厂 展位号:9-H05-2、-4
.122. .123.
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地 址:广东省佛山市南海区罗村下柏工业区 国达到46 个国家。2013 年 驰越脚轮成立工业脚轮事业部。
电 话:0757-86438021 传 真:0757-88571232
邮 箱 四川久盛通信科技有限公司 展位号:9-KO5-3
(责任编辑:admin) |