产品的省级高新技术企业。产品全部出口已有三十余年的历史。现产品有G80 链
.18. .19.
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Union") was established in June 2013, which is a wholly owned 流水平的无缝钢管生产机组和高速线材等国内一流水平的棒线材机组,是品种
subsidiary of Chengdu Union. The company is dedicated to invest 规格齐、生产规模大的无缝钢管一流生产企业和西南地区优质建筑钢材骨干生产
and develop new industrial parks, following the concept of "think- 企业,也是成都市首家销售收入过百亿的工业企业。
ing for enterprises, building for enterprises". With the develop- Pangang Group Chengdu Steel & Vanadium Co., Ltd. established in
ment of national industry as the goal and serving the development 1958's. After Fifty years developing, Presently company have
of national industry as the mission, the company has its own R & holding 1.6 million Mt Iron,2.0 million Mt Steel,2.7 million Mt
D team, industry research team and park operation team. steel product(including Seamless steel pipe qty 1.5 million Mt)
production annually. As one of the major domestic specialized
广州市华南橡胶轮胎有限公司 展位号:7-F03-3、F03-4 seamless tube makers with a size range of O.D.5~720mm x W.T.0.5-
地 址:广州市番禺区东环街东环路 116号 邮 编:511400 80mm, near 8000 specifications and sorts including carbon steel,
电 话:020-84693934 传 真:020-84693609 alloy steel, low temperature and stainless steel pipe can be
网 址:www.wanlitire.cn 邮 箱:wanli@wanlitire.cn supplied and used in oil explore, petrochemical, ship-building,
广州市华南橡胶轮胎有限公司拥有三个国际著名的轮胎品牌 “万力”、“万里 boiler, structural region. Near 3000 geometrical size can be
星”和 “Sunny”。产品以高技术含量、高性价比和规格系列齐全著称。销售网络 produced. As Seamless production base, Company have hold most
遍布全球 150 多个国家和地区。 production line, most full sorts and capability toward min. thin,
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