tion of innovative enterprises.Agriculture core product Act plants 我司成立于 2007 年,作为德国莱宝 (Leybold )公司,英福康
living water device is a water processor with specific functions. (INFICON)公司, VAT 公司, AE (优仪)公司的合作伙伴,已在工业
While ordinary standard of irrigation water in a specific flow 炉、镀膜、制冷、汽车、半导体、科研等行业积累了众多的客户和应用经
rate through the living water device can make the water from water 验;并发展成为一家提供技术咨询、方案设计、设备销售及维修、系统集成
molecules associating together more in the larger molecular mass 的专业化公司。
of water fission chain (cut) is less points word association Sichuan Macro Palmary Machine&Electricity Co.,Ltd was estab-
together the small molecular mass of multifunctional.? lished in 2007,as partners of the Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum,
INFICON,VAT,AE, having accumulated numerous customers and
沈阳汉斯机械密封制品有限公司 application experience in the industrial furnace,coating,
地 址:辽宁省沈阳市东陵区祝家镇下楼子村 refrigeration,automotive,semiconductor,science and other
电 话:024-24718853,18642359981 传 真:024-24718893 industries. Now we have become a professional company of technical
网 址:www.hansseal.com.cn 邮 箱:hansseal@hansseal.com.cn consulting,project design,equipment sales and maintenance,
(株式会社)汉斯是有着 30 年致力于泵用机械密封件及真空设备、电子 system integration。
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国技术大展优秀奖,总统奖等在内的多项荣誉。 地 址:河南省郑州北环南阳寨 邮 编:450000
HANS LTD.has specialized in the field of Mechanical Seals and 电 话:18538936608 传 真:0371-63782209
Welded Metal Bellows for the past 30 years. With many patents on 网 址:www.zztfzc.net 邮 箱:308817823@qq.com
Mechanical Seals, HANS LTD.has achieved certification from the 公司成立于2002 年,本公司主要生产外球面轴承和轴承座,质量保证,
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