地 址:成都市青白江区团结南路 邮 编:610303 电 话:0813-3301270 传 真:0813-3301476
电 话:028-84313563 传 真:028-84312672 网 址:www.cczmt.com
网 址:www.csstco.com 邮 箱:csst@csstco.com 四川长征机床集团有限公司现为机床工具行业、国家机电工业重点骨干企业,
攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司位于成都市青白江区,公司拥有50余年无缝钢 国家高新技术企业。“十二五”期间,公司将加快产品结构调整,提升自主创新
管和建筑钢材生产历史,具备年产铁 160万吨、钢200万吨、钢材270万吨 (无 能力,创建国际知名、国内一流、独具特色的数控装备制造基地。
缝钢管 150万吨、棒线材 120万吨)的生产能力,拥有Φ340、Φ159等国际一 Sichuan Changzheng Machine Tool Group CO., LTD is China's machine
.20. .21.
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tool industry key enterprise, the National Electrical and Me- 协会”理事会员企业,“中国通用机械工业协会泵业分会”会员企业。
chanical Industry key enterprises, the state high-tech enterprises. 公司主力产品为大轴径、高参数、集装式机械密封。
In the " Twelve ? Five" period, the company will accelerate Sichuan Dayu mechanical Seal Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is one of the
structural adjustment, improve the innovation ability to make the pioneer manufacturing enterprise in professional mechanical sealing.
company be an international well-known companies, domestic first- It is the first batch enterprise obtained the certificate of
class, unique CNC equipment manufacturing base. production license, the first batch of Small and Medium Enterprise
of Sichuan Province, and the member enterprise of Hydraulic Gas
自贡华瑞钻床有限公司 展位号:7-K01-2 China Dynamic Seal Industry Association and China General Machin-
地 址:四川省自贡市板仓工业园区B 区 ery Industry AssociationPump Branch.
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