地 址:江苏省昆山市花桥顺扬开发区范家浜路 18 号 邮 编:215332 professionally engaged in R&D, manufacturing, and sales of mining
电 话:3682-6488 转8012 传 真:3682 6300 machinery and wear-resistant casting steel parts. Over the past
网 址:www.enchoy.com.cn 邮 箱:susan.fan@enchoy.com.cn 20 years, the company has always insisted on pursuing continuous
1994 年,芬兰Hannu Ronkainen 先生创立Datakuu Commandity 公司,从 improvement, and our cone crusher and vertical shaft impact
.2. .3.
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crusher, independently researched and developed, have already 昆山市泰日模具材料有限公司是由株洲东亚工具有限公司与巴西BIG
reached their international advanced levels. AMERICAN 公司合资成立,一家集硬质合金及硬质合金工具的研发、生产、销售
"Winning with Quality, Guided by Demand" has always been our 为一体的高科技股份制外商投资企业。公司主要生产适用于粉末冶金模、五金冲
objective. 压模、马达定子、转子、引线框架、端子、LED 行业的高性能硬质合金材料及铍
昆山瑞钧机械设备有限公司 展位号:7-A01 Kunshan TAIRI mould material limited company is by Zhuzhou East
地 址:江苏昆山城北路 1255号 邮 编:215300 Asia Tools Co., Ltd and Brazil BIG AMERICAN to set up a joint
电 话:0512-57175508 传 真:0512-57175608 venture company, a research and development, set the hard alloy
网 址:WWW.KSRJJX.COM 邮 箱:fhsk@sina.com and hard alloy tools of production, sales of high-tech joint-stock
昆山瑞钧机械设备有限公司专业从事电火花周边系统及数控机床的研发, enterprises with foreign investment. The company introduced a
生产和销售,是国内较早生产电火花数控机床的企业之一。公司FH 系列高精 pressure sintering furnace, today's world of advanced cold isos-
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