South China Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. owns three worldwide well- max. thick WT seamless pipe production.
known brands, WANLI 、MILEVER and SUNNY. Our products are well-
known because of the hi-tech, high quality, high performance and 成都贝瑞光电科技股份有限公司 展位号:7-H01-6
complete specifications. And they are popular in more than 150 地 址:成都市高新区科园南路三号 邮 编:610041
countries and regions. 电 话:028-68187888-8012 传 真:028-85135780
网 址 邮 箱
四川煤田地质局一四一机械厂 展位号:7-H01-3 公司成立于2001 年8 月,专业从事超精密光学元器件、特种光电探测仪
地 址:德阳市汉江路 116号 邮 编:618000 器和系统的研发和生产,主导产品和研发项目有:红外与激光超精密光学元器
电 话:0838-2820298 传 真:0838-2820298 件,高速平面激光诱导荧光成像诊断仪等。
网 址 邮 箱 Z & Z Optoelectronic Co., Ltd was established in Aug.2001. It is
四川煤田地质局一四一机械厂为国有企业,成立于 1956 年,通过了 specialized in producing super precision optic components, devel-
I S O 9 0 0 1 认证,提供铜、铝、铝合金杆连铸连轧机,铝带轧机,铜、铝拉 oping special photo electronic devices and systems. It main
丝机,铜杆冷轧机,绞线机,复绕机,熔炉等电工设备的专业设计与制造。 products includes infrared & laser high precision optics, Plane
Established in 1956,Sichuan 141 Machinery Factory is state- Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) Detectors etc.
owned, design and produce copper, aluminum & alloy rolling mill,
drawing machine, stranding machine, melting furnace, etc. 自贡展团
四川长征机床集团有限公司 展位号:7-K01-1
攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司 展位号:7-H01-2 地 址:四川省自贡市贡井区建设路284 号 邮 编:643020
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