Machine Tool Co., Ltd is a leading manufacturer of precision 化产业园组成,规划用地面积77.5 平方公里。
thread grinding machines, large-scale backbone enterprises of Chongqing Qijiang Industrial Park, a municipal-level special
mechanical industry, specializing in thread grinding machines, industrial park approved by the leading group of Chongqing Special
precision measuring instruments, machining centers, CNC machines Industrial Park in 2006, is composed of equipment manufacturing
and linear motion parts. industrial park (Qiaohe Industrial Park), aluminum and copper
processing industrial park (Beidu Aluminum Industrial Park) and
贵州欧上电器有限公司 展位号:7-H05-3 Coal-and-Electrochemical Industrial Park, and its planned land
地 址:贵州省黔东南州岑巩县工业园区 area totals Chongqing Qijiang Industrial Park, has
电 话:0855-3891258 传 真:0855-3091251 been honored as China Western Gear City, National High-perfor-
网 址 邮 箱 mance Gear Industrialization Base, and develop National Circular
“OSUN 欧上”源自法国 IRELEC 公司--- 寓意 “源自欧洲的上等品牌”, Economy Eco-Al Industrial Park, Chongqing Aluminum and Copper
致力于PVC 胶粒,电工套管,开关插座,电线电缆及灯饰照明产品研发、生 Comprehensive Industry Base、Chongqing Automobile and Motor-
产、销售和服务为一体的综合企业。分别设开关插座、断路器及照明产品的 cycle Whole Vehicle and Parts Core Production Base.
生产线,专业生产 “欧上”与 “四世同堂”品牌产品,业务面向国内外市
场 。 宜宾临港经济技术开发区管理委员会
地 址:四川省宜宾市翠屏区南岸酒都路中段59 号 邮 编:644000
广西北部湾实久钢管制造有限公司 展位号:7-L01-4 电 话:0831-5108886 传 真:0831-5108198
地 址:防城港市港口区公车镇大西南临港工业园A 区 邮 编:538001 网 址
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