电 话: 057684217712 传 真:0576-84231733 Www.gkong.com, the official designated website of Chinese Asso-
网 址:www.machineryinfo.net/ ciation of Automation (CAA), is a famous electronic business
国际机械信息网 (www.machineryinfo.net)创建于2000 年,从网站建 website in China, with great influence and strength in the field
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of automation and industrial control. Currently, the registered
users are more than800,000. We provides an effective online 国际机械信息网
exchange and business platform for professionals from more than 36 地 址:浙江省台州市黄岩西街5 号楼2 单元7 层 邮 编:318020
fields. We also provide a comprehensive service of marketing 电 话:0576-84217712 传 真:0576-84231733
promotion, expo/conference organization and brand promotion for 网 址:www.machineryinfo.net 邮 箱:Service@machineryinfo.net
the related companies. Our goal is to help our customers to catch 国际机械信息网 (www.machineryinfo.net)创建于2000 年,从网站
the market opportunities, widen their market share and brand 建设服务走上机械平台这条路,经过全体员工 11 年的努力,现具有一支高素
awareness with a new cost-effective e-business mode. 质且对互联网发展具有高度认识和及其专业的员工队伍,网站背靠中国机械大
市 场 。
中国测控网 Launched in 2000, Machineryinfo.net is developing as a machinery
地 址:北京市海淀区杏石口路55 号金谷大厦 邮 编:100195 trade platform from website construction service under the 11years’
电 话:010-88431819 传 真:010-88435262 effort of our officers. The officers are high quality, professional,
网 址:www.ck365.cn 邮 箱:ck002@ck365.cn and have a good acknowledge of the Internet. Based on the China
中国测控网www.ck365.cn 是涉及测试测量、仪器仪表、物联传感、计量 machinery market, the site collects global sources, unifies the
检测、遥感测绘、智能化测控等领域的行业门户网站,以 “测& 控行业主流新媒 platform and builds Simplified Version, Traditional Version and
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