领先地位 。
Suzhou Shiji Jingyuan Power Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in
Introduction of Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd.
2000, the registered capital of 20000000 yuan, is a professional
Shandong Shenli rigging Co., Ltd is a provincial new and high
production of LED lighting, power equipment company, relying on
technology enterprise which has modern management level and abil-
scientific and technological progress, and constantly improve the
ity of manufacturing medium and high grade rigging. It has a
level of enterprise management, has passed the authentication and
history of more than thirty years that all of the products are
the ISO9001:2008 version of the quality management system China
exported. The products include more than 1000 varieties, among
quality certification center of the compulsory product
which G80 connecting link, G80 safety hook, G80 shortening clutch
and G80 Tawgk have been patented. The G100 products have been
developed successfully and come into the stage of batch producing.
泓晟塑胶科技(苏州)有限公司 展位号:7-F01-1、F01-2
At present, among all the domestic manufactures of rigging, SHENLI
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